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Tara WybornyMarch 7, 20161 min read

Client FAQs: Part One

When meeting with clients, I receive many questions surrounding college hire programs – specifically, what sets the G10 Associates program apart from other college hire programs. Below are responses to some of the questions I am most frequently asked regarding college hire initiatives and the G10 Associates program:


We have a college hire program, how is your program different?

Genesis10 focuses on technology and business operations positions and has developed a specific training curriculum to support these roles.  We also have a national presence which allows us to attract talent from a broader spectrum of schools.  Outside of simply the recruitment piece, the Associates program provides a robust mentoring component that has proved to increase productivity, engagement and retention of millennial talent.  This mentoring component is off-loaded from employees at the client site to highly skilled and knowledgeable members of Genesis10, many of whom have 15+ years of experience consulting. 

What are the core elements of a successful college hire program?

A successful program will consist of four main components: Deep relationships colleges and universities, an effective and engaging interview process, training to get college hires up to speed, and last and most importantly – mentoring and career development programs to make the best of this hard to find talent. 

Who initiates a college hire program within an organization?

Ideally a college hire initiative will be sponsored or backed by executive level leadership.  If the initiative is only backed by HR, it will often feel forced which will not lead to the right enthusiasm and engagement from employees.

Click here to submit a question about the G10 Associates program.