Genesis10 Insights

How Do I Prepare for a Career as an IT Business Analyst?

Written by Tara Wyborny | November 23, 2015

As a recruiter for the G10 Associates Program, I exclusively recruit college students and recent college grads. For the vast majority of candidates I work with, this is their first time preparing for and conducting a “real” job search, and as expected, many of these candidates have questions relating to career preparation and the interview process.

In the “Ask A Recruiter” series, I answer some of the most common questions I receive:

Q: I am going into my senior year and interested in pursuing a career in IT Business Analysis.  My degree is in an unrelated field, what can I do this year to improve my relevant skills?

A: Good news! You still have at least three different ways you can start to build skills in Business Analysis:

1. Internship or on-campus jobs: You can often find open positions around campus or with local organizations to begin building IT skills. Focus on positions that will provide you exposure to technology systems such as working at your school IT help desk, taking a part-time position in a department office, or potentially finding an internship. Skills in Data Analysis are very relevant and any kind of professional communication experience will look great on your resume.

2. Campus clubs & groups: Many students are members of on campus clubs where they do not take on leadership roles. Take the opportunity this year to sign up for a committee and assist in event planning or group leadership. You can often join clubs unrelated to your major such as consulting club, MIS club, technology club, etc. Invest time into these groups above attending just the meetings.  These groups can provide you access to local professionals and organizations who often engage with these groups through case studies or presentations.

3. Electives: If you still have time to register for one or two electives focus on taking course work in technology such as intro to programming, system design and development, intro to management Information systems.  Even one course can provide you with skills that can set you apart from your peers.

Your senior year can provide you with the opportunity to network and build skills, take advantage of the resources you have at you school and in your local community.

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