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Tara WybornyMay 17, 20171 min read

Millennials: The Generation that Changes Everything

Let’s forget that companies will soon be compelled to hire more millennials into their workforces and also to start preparing them for critical corporate leadership roles. Instead, let’s focus on why corporations should want to hire more millennials and make leaders of them.


Thanks to popular media hype, millennials often get a bad rap. They are entitled, overconfident, self-absorbed, disloyal, distracted by their mobile devices and social media, and so on and so forth. But for every negative viewpoint on the millennial generation in corporate America, there are positive counterpoints. For example,

  • What a Baby Boomer or Gen X corporate worker might see as overconfidence, we see as rigorously educated, well traveled and worldly.
  • While a millennial worker might occasionally wish to tweet or post on Facebook during the workday, he or she is also more likely to be using - even introducing - new technology to the workplace, working faster, smarter and far more productively.
  • Millennials might job hop, but it’s not because they are inherently disloyal. Rather, it’s because their corporate leadership is failing to crack the code on what motivates and earns loyalty from this particular and very different generation.

From our deep experience with recruiting and mentoring millennial talent into productive corporate careers, we believe the positives far outweigh the media-hyped negatives and that corporations that adapt their cultures for millennials first will come out the biggest winners in the escalating war for corporate talent.

We explore the positives in detail in our white paper: Hiring Millennials: The Generation That Changes Everything.

The white paper will show you:

  • What it means for millennials to be ‘intra-preneurs.’
  • How hiring millennials can help to promote positive, desired change and technology adoption in the workplace.
  • What it will take to attract and retain top millennial talent over the coming decade.