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Genesis10December 11, 20162 min read

5 Stats to Know from ADP's November 2016 National Employment Report

The ADP Research Institute® in collaboration with Moody's Analytics, publishes a monthly snapshot of what's occurring in non-farm private sector employment.  

The ADP National Employment Report® is a dependable guide, reporting real transactional payroll data, providing insight into what’s happening in various markets for labor and talent.

5 Stats to Know from ADP's November 2016 National Employment Report - WORK.jpg

The company breaks down its reports into four categories:

  • National employment report
  • Report on small business
  • National franchise outlook
  • Stats on regional employment

All are worth reviewing each month (and tracking in time series) to get a complete picture of what's happening and how job market conditions are trending in your industries, relevant functions, and regions. Here are five interesting stats from ADP's latest national employment report:

1. Private Sector Employment Rose Big Time in November

U.S. nonfarm private businesses added a total of 216K jobs in November 2016, representing a huge jump from October when only 147K nonfarm private sector jobs were added and September (+154K).

2. Virtually All Job Growth in November Came from the Services Sector

Indeed, that 216K overall increase reflects a net 228K gain in service-sector jobs less 12K jobs lost across goods producing sectors of the economy. On the goods producing side, manufacturing lost 10K jobs last month, natural resources & mining lost 4K, and construction eked out a small 2K job gain for the month. On the services side, nearly all sectors — trade, transportation & utilities, financial, professional & business, education & health, leisure & hospitality, and other services — showed job growth except for information, which lost 10K jobs in November. The services sector adding the most jobs last month was trade, transportation, and utilities at +69K. Professional and business was also strong, adding 68K new jobs. Education & health takes the third rank with +43K.

3. Mid- and Super-Sized Companies Drove Greatest Job Growth in November 2016

While the ADP report shows job growth last month in all major company size brackets, the biggest gains came from the midmarket (50-499 employees) at +89K and supersized companies (1,000 or more employees), which added 76K jobs. Small businesses (1-49 employees) added 37K jobs, while business with 500-999 employees added 14K new positions.

4. Job Growth was Well Distributed Geographically with All Regions and States Showing Some Growth in November.

The South was the biggest winner last month with +89K Jobs. The West region took second place with +60K, the Midwest third with +35K, and the Northeast region brings up the rear with +32K.

5. By State, California Added the Most Jobs in November with +29K

Texas takes the number two spot with +26.3K, Florida is number three with +14.4K, New York takes fourth with +11.7K, and Illinois rounds out the Top Five states with +8.6K. The lowest job creation rate in November took place in Kentucky with just +700. Washington, D.C. was next with just +1,700.


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