Genesis10 Insights

CEO Harley Lippman Speaks Out on Protect and Grow American Jobs Act

Written by Harley Lippman | December 15, 2017

Genesis10 CEO Harley Lippman has written an op-ed piece in the publication, The Hill, "H1B Visa Reform Could Encourage Companies to Hire More American Workers" that addresses the "Protect and Grow American Jobs Act" which the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee recently voted to send to the full House chamber.

This bill introduced by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) seeks to ensure American companies take the long view by training and hiring American workers, rather than chasing the quick fix — specifically importing workers from South Asia and damaging long-term economic prospects for the U.S. in the process.

"We are seeing jobs go to H1B visa holders every day," writes Lippman in the piece. "These are jobs that with some formal training could be performed by veterans, displaced blue-collar workers, older workers cut off from their careers, and women returning to the workforce after taking time to raise children."