Genesis10 Insights

Collaboration Tools – How Are You Connecting with Colleagues?

Written by Genesis10 | April 22, 2020

COVID-19 has forever changed how we work. With no forewarning, Corporate America swiftly moved from office buildings, meetings and handshakes to working from home. We are leveraging video conference and other collaboration tools, and even, because of the possibility of transmitting the coronavirus, perhaps replacing the handshake with an elbow or fist bump, or will the old fashion hand wave come back?

Speaking with one of our Service Delivery Executives, it became abundantly clear that there is no front-runner in the collaboration tool space. Security is a concern. We are also considering our meetings—is the number of participants that we can view concurrently via video important? What about cost? Platform stability? Ability to record? Does the purpose of our meetings matter in our choice of tool?

It is clear that there are almost too many options. Circumstances will dictate which platform we ultimately decide to use.

Is email becoming the proverbial dinosaur? I doubt it, but it is no longer the “go-to” platform of choice for communication and collaboration. When the situation calls for formal communication, then, yes, email is the preferred platform, but if we are looking to collaborate, which tool will we use? Slack, Teams Chat, Flock?  There are more than a dozen options. 

What about a team meeting in our new world? We have our pick: Zoom, Go To Meeting, Teams or Skype. How about you?

What used to be a relatively simple world of communication and collaboration has become more complicated.

Join the conversation and pay it forward - Share a tip on a new collaboration tool or technique that is working for you.