Genesis10 Insights

Cleveland Branch Receives Ohio Diversity Council's Leadership Excellence Award

Written by Genesis10 | April 23, 2013

Award Recognizes Individuals and Companies Dedicated to Promoting Leadership and Diversity Excellence

The Genesis10 Cleveland branch was awarded the Leadership Excellence Award from the Ohio Diversity Council during the 2013 Ohio Multicultural Leadership Summit. The Leadership Excellence Award recognizes champions of diversity and inclusion in academia, business and the community.

“It is such an honor to be recognized on such an important issue,” said Valerie Miller, Genesis10 national director. Miller continued, “Genesis10’s Workforce Development program is helping clients find and develop talent in critical business and IT roles to achieve diversity goals and objectives and to support the business of the future.”

Designed to help clients build strong, sustainable pipelines of next generation business and technology talent, Genesis10’s Workforce Development program helps clients attract, retain, cultivate and align their workforce to achieve business productivity and growth initiatives. Genesis10 recruits actively on college campuses, as well as among diversity and veterans communities, and provides rigorous training before and ongoing mentoring throughout the client engagement.

Genesis10 is aligned with many councils to support supplier diversity, including the Society for Human Resource Professionals (SHRM), the National Diversity Council, the National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA), the National Society of Hispanic MBAs, Be a Hero Hire a Hero (Genesis10 selected as sole staffing partner), Hiring our Heroes, Wounded Warrior Project, Women In Technology and more than 300 campus diversity programs.

About the Ohio Diversity Council

The Ohio Diversity Council (OHDC) is a non-profit organization under the National Diversity Council umbrella that champions diversity and inclusion throughout Ohio's academia, businesses and communities.  The OHDC creates a platform for discourse and collaboration around common inclusion issues and provides education, development, and community building opportunities for all people.

We believe that diversity and inclusion is not just smart business, it's a vital and positive aspect to every area of life. More information about the Ohio Diversity Council can be found at