Genesis10 Insights

Genesis10 Celebrates UPlift Anniversary

Written by Genesis10 | November 9, 2017

UPlift by Genesis10 has reached an important milestone—one year of successfully recruiting, training and mentoring candidates for technology jobs with state governments. Unlocking the Potential of promising, high-aptitude, under-represented talent in communities across the U.S., UPlift is a customized talent solution that remedies immediate and long-term technology resource gaps in State IT departments nationwide and complies with State vendor procurement processes. Normally these careers require a college degree in Computer Science or Management Information Systems. With UPlift, candidates learn on-the-job without additional financial investment in education.

Since launching UPlift in November 2016, Genesis10 has hired candidates with high school diplomas/GEDs, associate degrees and bachelor’s degrees for such positions as mobile device technicians, production control technicians, service desk analysts (tier 1 and 2), workstation analysts and QA testers for Minnesota IT Services (MN.IT). The positions are with agencies across state government in Minnesota, from St. Paul to Moose Lake. More than 92% of consultants placed in the past year are still in their roles.

Watch the video clip below announcing our launch of UPlift, Minnesota IT Services (MN.IT) and Genesis10 Announce the UPlift Program on KSTP Channel 5.