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Harley LippmanMay 22, 20201 min read

Genesis10 Memorial Day 2020 Message


Genesis10 Family: Traditionally seen as the day that kicks off the summer, Memorial Day this year will be unlike any we have celebrated. Before COVID-19, we took the day to recognize the brave men and women of our armed forces with parades, ceremonies at cemeteries and barbeques with family and friends.


While parts of the country are starting to reopen, most cities and towns have canceled or moved online the events they had planned to commemorate the holiday. Whether we participate virtually, while still sheltering in place, or venture out a bit wearing masks and maintaining social distancing, let’s keep in mind the true meaning of the holiday. 

On Memorial Day, as a nation we remember and honor the U.S. service men and women who gave their lives for our great nation to preserve the many freedoms we sometimes take for granted. We are forever grateful for the service and sacrifice of these brave men and women. 

And this year we should also keep in mind the efforts of those on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 - the nurses, doctors, grocery and pharmacy workers, as well as the pilots, warehouse operators and delivery people who are working hard to keep us safe and the country functioning. The next time you see an essential worker, let them know how much you appreciate all that they do.

Be safe. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.


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