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Harley LippmanMay 28, 20211 min read

So Much to be Grateful for on this Memorial Day

So much has happened in our great nation over the past year. Some of it brought tears to our eyes, but much of it was good. I am grateful that we are all together and I want to wish you well as you begin your summer.


Monday, May 31 is Memorial Day, the day that we set aside every year to remember and and honor U.S. service men and women who gave their lives for our country to preserve the many freedoms we sometimes take for granted. We are forever grateful for the service and sacrifice of these brave men and women.

Celebrating Memorial Day will be different again this year. You may be able to watch a parade or attend a ceremony at a local cemetery, activities that were canceled a year ago. Take advantage of these opportunities to remember the men and women who died in the service of our country to make the lives we live today possible. This weekend, you also may be traveling for the first time in a long time—to visit family and friends, to spend time at a park or the beach. Enjoy yourself. Be safe.


Finally, as your days get busier and you venture out and see more people, don’t forget to extend your appreciation to all the front-line workers—doctors and nurses, pharmacy and grocery workers, the people who deliver your packages—who gave so much of themselves over the past year and will continue to do so to keep us all healthy and safe. 
