Genesis10 Insights

Genesis10 Veterans Program Mentors, Trains, Provides Opportunity

Written by Remster Bingham | November 15, 2017

Most service members don’t know how they fit into the jigsaw puzzle that is corporate America. The first thing they must do is spend time researching positions, networking with previously transitioned service members and finding a strong mentor. Unlike the finality of signing your four-year military contract, civilian employment is a journey that does not follow a linear path; it takes twists and turns, sometimes with ups and downs.

The Genesis10 Veterans Program helps bridge the gap between veterans and the corporate world by providing mentoring, training and meaningful career opportunities in business and IT. Below is the testimonial of Peter, a Veterans Program consultant working at a major energy company:

“While job searching, I had a tough time as a veteran translating my military experience, leadership and training in a manner that was desirable to employers.

"Genesis10's Veterans Program and dedicated staff not only helped me to translate those intangible skills from the military, but found me a fantastic position  based on my college education, military training and experience, leadership abilities and my personality and personal interests.

"Genesis10 has bridged the gap to the corporate world for me as a veteran and has helped set me up for success with their continuous mentoring and opportunities for career and office skills improvement that all help to make me more valuable to my client.  I honestly can't picture my life right now if I hadn't discovered Genesis10 and experienced their continued support and countless services offered through their Veterans Program.  I truly can't say ‘thank you’ enough to the Genesis10 staff who I've been fortunate enough to meet and work with over the last seven months!”

Peter M.
Sergeant, US Marine Corps
Consultant, Genesis10 Veterans Program

Also see the Genesis10 blog post, Easing the Corporate Recruiting Process for Military Veterans.