Genesis10 Insights

Job Search Tips for Summer 2018

Written by Genesis10 Recruiting Team | July 11, 2018

It’s summer, and you're seeking a job.  In June, the national unemployment rate was 4%, with private sector employers adding 177,000 jobs in the month, according to ADP and Moody's Analytics National Employment Report. You want in on this action.

Whether you are looking for your first job or are interested in moving on to a new opportunity, you’re probably wondering if summer is a good time to be applying for a position. After all, you’re figuring hiring managers are probably taking vacations and you may feel you need a break too.

While landing your dream role may be more challenging in July and August, our recruiting team advises that you do not give up your search. Sure, hiring may slow some, but the summer months also offer job seekers an opportunity to stand out from the competition. While the process may be a tad longer, hiring managers may also have more time to spend with you. It’s also a good time to research companies, update your resume and network with former colleagues and other professionals.

  1. Be aware of summer hiring timelines and plan accordingly. 
  • Expect delays during the summer. The interview process tends to slow down in summer especially around the 4th of July due to hiring managers being out of the office on vacation.  Keep your search active but expect delays on new jobs, interview feedback and job-offer decisions.
  • Apply today if you see a new job that interests you!  Despite the lowest unemployment rate in years, managers still receive a lot of resumes for most jobs.  By applying close to when the job opens, you ensure your resume is at the ‘top of the stack’ and improve your odds of being selected to interview.
  • Align your job search efforts to the summer work week. Many managers take off Fridays or work from home in the summer.  Pack your job search activity into Monday – Thursday when they are more likely to be in the office and engaged in reading resumes.
  1. Leverage flexible summer schedules.
  • If your company allows for summer Fridays or remote work one day a week, use the extra time to schedule an informational interview at a company that interests you or job search while lounging on your deck. Or take a vacation day and do it.
  • A vacation doesn’t mean your job search needs to go on hold. Let the recruiter know if you can do a phone/Skype interview or will be checking email while on vacation to keep the job search process moving.
  1. Maximize technology! 
  • Most job boards and companies now have an easy 1-3 step application process you can complete right from your mobile phone or tablet.
  • Store an electronic copy of your resume in Dropbox or the website of your online portfolio so you can apply virtually anywhere.
  • Set up automated job search alerts from your preferred consulting firms, companies or job board such as so you can stay up to date on who is hiring while you are away.
  • If you are working during the day, let your recruiter know if you can respond via text message to be available when interview requests or new jobs come through!

Following these tips will help you take advantage of all that summer has to offer while keeping your job search going. Flexibility is your friend and technology will help you stay in the game. Good luck and happy job searching!

Molly Sterenchuk frequently offers her insight into the job-search process through the Genesis10 blog. Recently, she wrote the post, Six Tips for Preparing a Portfolio for Technology Roles.

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