Genesis10 Insights

New Year, New YOU? What one change are you making in 2020?

Written by Genesis10 | January 15, 2020

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I don’t, thinking “why set myself up to fail?” I’m an overachiever.  I make lists so that I am uber organized and focused. I like the visual satisfaction of putting a check mark next to an item on a list and the feeling of accomplishment that comes from doing so. It’s okay to smile. I suspect many of you share this sentiment.

This morning, while I was enjoying my coffee, my mom sent me a text with a link to a video. As I often tell myself, I’ll view it later. But, dare I admit, life, as it so often does, gets in the way and later never comes. This morning was different. I clicked on the link and watched the video. I was moved. It made me pause and wonder what I had missed by not reading the articles that my mom sends or the articles that my dad still clips from the paper. That, I realize, needs to change. I read every morning and every night but it tends to be work related.  Today, this will change.

Back to my lists, I added pay attention to mom and dad’s text, read the articles that they send and be present.

So, what do you want to focus on in 2020?  Share your “one thing” and perhaps you will inspire someone else.  And Mom, thank you for inspiring me to change.


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