Genesis10 Insights

Time to Change Jobs? Not so Fast!

Written by Mark Parisi | June 30, 2021

After 15 months of hunkering down, people are starting to shake things up a bit.

That includes looking for a new job. Maybe you like the flexibility of working from home but your company has asked you to come back to the office. Or you miss your colleagues but your company has asked you to continue to work remotely. Or maybe you just feel that it’s time for a change. 

You are not alone. A recent survey by Harris Poll finds that the majority of U.S. workers are considering a job change this year, with as many as 44% having actual plans to do so. Of workers surveyed, 21% say there are better opportunities available to them at other companies. 

Looking specifically at tech workers, nearly half say they are likely to find a new job this year, up from 40% at year-end 2020 and a significant increase from 32% this time last year. With digital skills in high demand, tech workers are confident in their ability to secure new and better roles.

I say: Not so fast! As my parents used to tell me, the grass is not always greener. I know it’s trite, but they have a point. 
Make A List!

Experts suggest that you should make a list: Advantages and challenges to staying where you are on one side, advantages and challenges to making a move on the other, and then sleep on it, don’t act impulsively based on a feeling. 

Issues You May Want To Examine Include:

Work Environment. Will you be challenged at the new workplace? Will you be able to advance? Will you have the opportunity to earn more if you attain a higher degree or certification?

Benefits. Does the employer offer a range of health plans? Does the employer offer other benefits that may be important to you? Some examples of additional benefits are: dental insurance, a vision plan, life insurance, among others.

Time Off. How many vacation, sick and personal days will you receive annually? Are all your days lumped together into one pool of paid time off? Is that system appealing to you?

Your Lifestyle. Will your new commute be more time-consuming or expensive than your old one? Does the new job put you closer to achieving your long-term goals? 

Another Question: Do Core Values Align?

As for me, I tend to look introspectively. What is driving my interest to look elsewhere? 

If there isn’t anything my up-line manager or my company has done then it is on me to fix the issue. As the old saying goes “No matter where you go, there you are.” Going to a new employer won’t fix that. 

I say think about how leadership at the organization (your present company or a future employer) treats all of its employees - do leadership’s core values and belief system align with yours? If they do, that’s where you want to be. 

Since inception in 1999, Genesis10 has always been a company that cares about people and communities, creating prosperity in America and protecting our planet. Our contribution is through job creation in communities where otherwise these jobs don’t existing and by building tech talent through training. 

These core values of CEO and Founder Harley Lippman and the leadership team cascade throughout the company—and they align closely with mine. That is why I work for Genesis10.