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Tips for demonstrating interview skills
Kayla CollerDecember 13, 20182 min read

Tips for Communication Skills at Every Step of the Interview Process

How important are communication skills throughout the interview process? As the Lead Recruiter for Genesis10’s Dev10 Program, which trains STEM graduates as Software Developers through an intensive coding bootcamp, I can assure you that written, verbal and nonverbal communication skills are all necessary for your success. Throughout our rigorous application process, we pay close attention to the quality of the communication skills and styles our candidates demonstrate through emails, phone interviews, and in-person interviews.

Tips for demonstrating interview skills

When applying for a position, you communicate with multiple people within an organization. Your first interaction is typically via email with the recruiter. This email is the first time you showcase your professional communication skills. In the email, it’s important to remember to address the recruiter by their appropriate name, use full sentences and proper punctuation, and lastly make sure that you are providing all the information that recruiter is requesting. Keep in mind that texting and emailing are very different! You don’t want to abbreviate words or for the recruiter to have to question your writing.

The next step in many application processes is a phone interview. This is a way for you to demonstrate the verbal communication skills listed on your resume. Phone interviews are set up for recruiters to learn more about your background and why you may be a good fit for their company and also for you to learn more about the company and decide if it may be a good fit for you. Phone interviews should be fun and informative. You get to talk about yourself and what you want to do with your life. How easy! Remember though that this is an interview. Recruiters look for strong communication skills. You will need to speak to your background, sound confident and ask great questions. The conversation should not be one-sided.

The last step in the process is an in-person interview. You may even have more than one depending on the company. Regardless, this is the most crucial step for you to showcase your excellent communication skills. These involve listening to another person and using verbal and nonverbal affirmations. Positive affirmations may include direct eye contact, head nods, smiling and verbal agreements. Negative affirmations include crossing your arms, checking your phone, looking around the room, and spinning in your chair. This is your last chance to display the “strong communication skills” listed on your resume. Again, it is one thing to list out skills, but another to exhibit them during an interview.

For Genesis10’s Dev10 Program, we specifically target individuals with a Bachelor’s degree in a STEM-related field (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) who are interested in becoming software developers. No coding experience is required! We are changing the way to approach a career as a software developer and hiring based on aptitude. Interested in receiving paid training and career placement as a software developer? Showcase your written, verbal and nonverbal communication skills throughout our application process!

Learn more about Genesis10’s Dev10 Program.

Also see the blog post, How to Get a Software Developer Job with No Experience.

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