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Genesis10July 10, 20202 min read

The LIST! Post COVID-19 What is OUT and IN at the Workplace?

We are going back to the office. Some of us are super excited about this. We get to see our friends, grab coffee with a colleague, have an impromptu conversation around a cubicle, and even participate in an actual whiteboarding session. How about enjoying the commute to the office? Never thought I would say I miss that!

Others have become accustomed to working from home. We appreciate the flexibility, saving a little money on gas, lunch and dry cleaning as well as mastering the use of video conference technology. We are more creative—and more productive even if we sometimes find ourselves putting in more hours than when we worked in the office.

And then there is COVID-19.


We have hunkered down for more than 100 days now and have managed to keep our families well and safe. We do not want to risk that by returning to an office. Understanding this—and abiding by regional guidelines—some companies are delaying their return to the office until later this year or even next. Others are not requiring employees to come back if they don’t feel ready. Regardless of the stage you’re at, there is still some planning and preparation that is required to re-open such as: new policies and requirements to support social distancing, PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) kits and securing enhanced cleaning services.

Without a doubt, managing the well-being of a company’s employees is a top priority; most are doing so with far greater empathy than we may have seen in years past which is just refreshing these days. As a company, Genesis10 is planning too. We have two sets of operations – on one hand, we have our client-facing account management team, recruiters and shared services who support our clients, consultants and the company as a whole. On the other, we have scores of consultants who would normally work co-located in a Delivery Center and provide outsourced IT services to our household name clients who benefit from collaboration, whiteboarding and, in some instances, due to the nature of their work are required to work in a secure location versus from the kitchen table or a home office next to a window. Sound familiar?

Like many things, understanding the nature of the work is helpful when deciding how to phase back into work and the additional provisions required. The office as we knew it is about to all change to practice social and physical distancing while in the workplace. This means the elevators, bathrooms, breakrooms and even cubicle assignments. Gone are the days of 100 employees sitting in 100 cubes.

As the nation navigates reopening following coronavirus lockdowns, companies in various industries across the United States are announcing their plans for the future. Below is The List of What is IN and OUT Post COVID-19 to help you check the box as you review your plans to return to work.What is in and What is out graphic

Regardless of when your company returns to work, strict adherence to the guidelines set forth will be required. We all have to continue to do our part to slow the spread of the coronavirus and to maintain a safe work environment. We can all add health steward to our skills list. Speak up and stay personally accountable.

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